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Fauna and flora in Slovakia. European Bison. Slovakia 5€ 2024 commemorative coin

Unit: tk
14,90 €
Qty.: - +
Face value: 5 €
Diameter: 34 mm
Weight: 19.1 g
Metal: Brass
Mintage: 40,000

Face value: 5 €
Diameter: 34 mm
Weight: 19.1 g
Metal: Brass
Mintage: 35,000

2. coin from the series “Fauna and Flora of Slovakia”.

Over the millennia of human society’s evolution, wolves have often coexisted with people. During the Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic), wolves began living in the vicinity of prehistoric hunters’ settlements and fed off meat leftovers. Wolves are found in various northern hemisphere habitats and are the second most widespread mammal on earth, after humans. They are a social animal, and their packs typically have between five and seven members. Weighing between 30 and 70 kg, wolves are classified as large carnivores. They have exceptional senses of smell, sight (night vision) and hearing, which they use to prey mainly on large ungulates. The way that wolves relentlessly run down their prey is captured by a Russian saying: “The wolf is kept fed by its feet”. This way of hunting was well applied in the forest-steppe environment where wolves evolved. Their pack structure allows wolves to hunt prey that are several times larger than themselves (such as red deer and elk) and to raise, on average, between four and ten pups each year. Food from the kill is shared between all members of the pack. All the adult pack members help with the care and rearing of the young by bringing them food. Altruism, in other words gratuitous service to others, is seen among wolves in the way they care for injured members of the pack. This feature is characteristic of evolutionarily advanced societies of other mammals: primates and human beings. The number of wolves in Slovakia is currently estimated to be between 300 and 600. Since Slovakia shares its wolf population with Ukraine, Poland and Hungary, it is difficult to give a more precise estimate of the number of wolves present in its territory.


The obverse of this euro collector coin shows an outline map of Slovakia in the lower part of the design. Contained within the map are the Slovak coat of arms and the year of issuance ‘2021’. Three wolves are depicted standing on top of the map, and a smattering of wolf paw prints appear within the map and outside it. A star is shown at the top right of the design, and the name of the issuing country ‘SLOVENSKO’ runs along the edge of the upper left quadrant.


The upper part of the reverse portrays two wolves, one of which is howling at the moon. At the top, to the right of the moon, there is a star in the night sky. The lower part of the image consists of the outline of a wolf’s head, within which is shown the coin’s denomination ‘5’ and currency ‘EURO’. In the left part of this space are the stylised letters ‘JO’, referring to the coin’s designer Josef Oplištil. Below the outline, at the bottom left, is the mint mark of the Kremnica Mint (Mincovňa Kremnica), consisting of the letters ‘MK’ placed between two dies. The words ‘VLK DRAVÝ’ are inscribed along the upper left edge of the design.
19,90 €
Face value: 5 €
Diameter: 34 mm
Weight: 19.1 g
Metal: Brass
Mintage: 35,000

3. coin from the series “Fauna and Flora of Slovakia”.

14,90 €
Face value: 5 €
Diameter: 34 mm
Weight: 19.1 g
Metal: Brass
Mintage: 40,000

The black stork is an unmistakable bird species. The adult has mainly black plumage with white underparts, long coral red legs and a long pointed beak. The beak and eye areas are the same colour as the legs, and the black plumage has an intense greenish-purple sheen. Adults weigh between around 2.4 kg and 3.2 kg. Black storks are distributed throughout most of Europe and Asia, and most forest areas of Slovakia are nesting sites for these birds. They typically nest in mature deciduous and mixed forests, preferring areas with wetlands and watercourses where they can forage for food. They select large trees with strong horizontal branches and show high fidelity to breeding sites and nesting trees. The base of the nest is formed by thick branches, while the interior is lined with twigs, clumps of grass, lichens and moss. The female lays two to four eggs. Both parents feed the fledglings by regurgitating food onto the nest floor. Black storks feed on smaller fish, amphibians, insects, gastropods, small mammals and small birds. They migrate to wintering grounds mainly in August and September. In Slovakia, the black stork is a protected species.
The obverse of the euro collector coin depicts a black stork hunting on a body of water. In the background is a tree with a stork’s nest. An adult stork is depicted flying towards a chick in the nest, carrying food in its beak. On the upper left side is the Slovak coat of arms and, above it, the year of issuance ‘2023’. On the right side is the mint mark of the Kremnica Mint (Mincovňa Kremnica), consisting of the letters ‘MK’ placed between two dies. Inscribed along part of the right edge is the name of the issuing country ‘SLOVENSKO’.

The reverse design depicts a black stork taking flight. To the right of this image are the denomination ‘5’ and currency ‘EURO’, one above the other. In the lower part of the design, next to the stork’s legs, are the stylised initials ‘MŠ’, referring to the coin’s designer Marie Šeborová. Inscribed along the lower edge and separated by a medial dot are the Slovak and scientific names for the black stork: ‘BOCIAN ČIERNY’ and ‘CICONIA NIGRA’.
14,90 €
Face value: 5 €
Diameter: 34 mm
Weight: 19.1 g
Metal: Brass
Mintage: 45,000

The obverse of this euro collector coin is dominated by the head of a brown bear in profile. Centrally positioned above the head is the Slovak coat of arms. The denomination and currency ‘5 EURO’ appear along the lower left edge. Inscribed along the upper edge are the name of the issuing country and the year of issuance: ‘SLOVENSKO 2023’. At the right edge is the mint mark of the Kremnica Mint (Mincovňa Kremnica), consisting of the letters ‘MK’ placed between two dies.

On the reverse is a depiction of a female bear and her two cubs hunting fish. Inscribed along the upper edge are the Slovak name for the brown bear ‘MEDVEĎ HNEDÝ’ and the animal’s scientific name ‘URSUS ARCTOS’. At the lower right edge are the stylised initials ‘TL’, referring to the coin’s designer Tomáš Lamač.

The brown bear is Slovakia’s largest predator. It has a stocky body, small eyes and ears, a short tail, pronounced claws, and thick fur that is 8 to 12 cm long and comes in a wide range of shades from light brown to almost black. The adult male can weigh up to 350 kg. Brown bears in Slovakia are concentrated in the central, northern and north-eastern mountain areas. The brown bear is an omnivore that prefers to live in mixed and coniferous forests. Its diet is 90% vegetable matter with the remaining 10% consisting of carrion, smaller animals, insects and, occasionally, sick or injured hooved game. Bears hibernate in dens from around early November to April. Female bears and their cubs are the first to enter the dens and the last to emerge from them. Male bears seek out females only during the mating season, usually from the end of April to the beginning of August. The cubs are born during January and February in the safety of the winter den. At birth they are blind, have short fur and weigh less than 500 g. Bears in the wild can live to be more than 30 years old.
14,90 €
Face value: 5 €
Diameter: 34 mm
Weight: 19.1 g
Metal: Brass
Mintage: 35,000

3. coin from the series “Fauna and Flora of Slovakia”.

14,90 €
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The German government has decided to mint a €5 collectors’ coin entitled “Great green bush-cricket", to be issed at 7 March 2024. It is the sixth coin issued as part of the “Wonderful world of insects” series, which will see a total of nine coins with partially coloured motifs issued over the period 2022-24. The series is intended to bring into focus – especially in light of current developments (insect extinction) – a special group of animals that make up a significant part of our natural heritage.

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The coin was designed by Patrick Niesel, an artist based in Röthenbach a.d. Pegnitz (picture side), and Andre Witting, a Berlin-based artist (reverse).

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Its smooth edge is engraved with the inscription: “WUNDERWELT INSEKTEN” (WONDERFUL WORLD OF INSECTS).

14,90 €
Quality: Special Uncirculated
Face Value: 5 Euro
Diameter: 28,5 mm
Copper: 99,9%
Total Weight: 8,5 g
Mintage: 50 000
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Leave winter behind you with the help of our inspiring spring coin, Getting There. As you walk towards the sun, you become more receptive to the beauty of nature and with each step you get closer to yourself. Walking is so good for us, so why not encourage a friend or loved one to take to the trail with the gift of this great little companion piece and talisman. A gift from the heart, it will give motivate them to set off on a spring stroll for the soul – and if they have lost their bearings, it can help them find their way back. But where does the path lead us? Will it take us even deeper into the forest? Or will it lead us out of it? What lies over the the next ridge? Will the path lead us up the mountain before guiding us safely down into the valley below? The path meanders this way and that, up and down, as if it does not know where it is going itself. It does this out of pure modesty, out of respect for nature and out of cautiousness. It is gentle with those who walk it, too. It draws us forwards, both taking its time and giving us time by inviting us to dawdle, to pause and to marvel. It shows us the world and its big little secrets. The meaning of walking is not only measured by where it leads us. The very act of walking is meaningful in itself, it energises body and mind, and gives direction to the lost and confused. Walking changes those who walk. It helps us see that the path of life is not something irrevocable but part of an ongoing process, a kind of pilgrimage to happiness and contentment. We may not always know exactly where it is taking us, but it gets us there in the end. The path on the coin’s reverse winds its way up to the picturesque Falkenstein church, which is built into the rock in woodland near St Wolfgang in the Salzkammergut region of central Austria. The coats of arms of the nine federal provinces of Austria feature on the coin’s obverse and give the coin its nine-sided shape. Getting There is available in both copper and silver.
19,00 €