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Friends for life. Austria 5 € 2020 copper coin, 8,5 g

15,00 €
Qty.: - +
Quality: Special Uncirculated
Face Value: 5 Euro
Diameter: 28,5 mm
Copper: 99,9%
Total Weight: 8,5 g
Comes without packaging

Few animals have had a bigger impact on humans than the horse. Its power, beauty and sensitivity make the horse one of the most beloved members of the animal kingdom, not least among young female riders, many of whom form a profound and enduring bond with their loyal steed. The Easter Coin 2020 celebrates this unique bond.

From being the subject of countless prehistoric cave paintings, to the leading form of human transport for more than five millennia, the horse has played an unparalleled role in the development of society. The most iconic of all European horse breeds is the Lipizzaner, made world famous through its connection with the Spanish Riding School in Vienna. Originally from Slovenia, the Lipizzaner has been bred since 1920 at the stud farm at Piber in the Austrian province of Styria, where some 40 foals come into the world every year. Within minutes of their birth, new born foals can stand and, though initially unsteady, are soon galloping joyfully across the alpine meadows.

The coin features a foal in the foreground frolicking happily through a meadow while its mother keeps a watchful eye close behind. The lower part of the coin is decorated with an assortment of spring flowers.

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Quality: Uncirculated
Face Value: 5 Euro
Diameter: 28,5 mm
Material: Copper
Total Weight: 8,9 g
Mintage: 200 000

A coin the likes of which Austria has never seen before, Democracy is made from copper from the former roof of the Parliament building in Vienna. When you purchase the coin you therefore acquire a little piece of democracy and by spending 5 euros you get something priceless in return.

On the occasion of the reopening of the Parliament building in Vienna, we are issuing this very special coin. The copper it contains originally formed part of the former roof of the building but was removed during the ongoing renovation of the building. By using it to make the copper edition of the Democracy coin, we are making our democratic tradition something tangible. A strong democracy thrives on discourse. Our opinions may differ, but our consensus is democracy. Likewise, fundamental rights and freedoms make a democracy what it is. They enable individual and social freedom and guarantee the co-determination of the individual.

The coin’s reverse features two heads in profile and one full face, which represent the people as sovereign. To the left, we see a watchful eye surrounded by stylised laurel leaves, to the right, we see a section of the Austrian Parliament building in the background. But much more than this, the coin illustrates the spirit from which our nation was born. This is reflected in the Austrian Constitution, where it says: "Austria is a democratic republic. Its law emanates from the people." These wise words appear on the top and bottom edges of the coin.
15,00 €
Quality: Special Uncirculated
Face Value: 5 Euro
Diameter: 28,5 mm
Copper: 99,9%
Total Weight: 8,5 g
Comes without packaging
It may be more than half a millennium since it was painted but Albrecht Dürer’s ‘Young Hare’ still has an uncanny ability to move and fascinate. Probably the most famous depiction of an animal in the history of European art, the magnificent watercolour shows all the cuddly characteristics that have led this shy and lovable creature to take its place in Middle-European Easter tradition − and make it the ideal subject for our delightful Easter coin.

Durable Dürer

Painted in Dürer’s workshop in Nuremberg in 1502, the ‘Feldhase’, as it is called in German, is the most iconic painting in the vast collection of Vienna’s Albertina museum. Another of Dürer’s masterpieces of observational art in the Albertina collection is the ‘Great Piece of Turf’, which forms the background to the hare on the coin’s reverse, above Dürer’s famous monogram. Painted with almost photographic accuracy, both watercolours are testament to the genius of their creator, whose powers of observation have never been equalled. A Renaissance man, both literally and figuratively, Albrecht Dürer 1471-1528 has been compared to Leonardo da Vinci for the breadth and depth of his artistic and intellectual pursuits. He was a printmaker, engraver and theorist, as well as a painter who pioneered the self-portrait, yet his watercolour of a hare is perhaps his most recognisable work. How he managed to capture such a detailed image of a wild and constantly moving animal remains a mystery, which no doubt adds to the enduring allure of the ‘Young Hare’.
15,00 €
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Metal: NordicGold
Weight: 15,80 g
Diameter: 34 mm
Mintage: 10 000

In 2022, Smiley celebrates its fifth decade of smiles and optimism.

The emblematic yellow, round face of the brand was born on 1st, January 1972 in France, when journalist Franklin Loufrani used this infectious smile in the newspaper France-soir in order to highlight stories which brought positive news and cheered up French people’s spirit. This operation, called « Take the time to smile » was an immediate success.

In 1996, the logo is relaunched and developed in other forms : a new 3D version is created and new expressions are added in. Nowadays, from the smiley to the emoticon, smiling takes multiple forms, becoming a representative of cheerfulness !

Since the creation of the yellow smile in 1972, Smiley diversified the range of its expressions, conveying over a hundred émotions. From the smiley to the emoticon, smiling takes multiple forms.

Each mini-medal highlights a particular emotion : love, gratitude, gluttony, joy and laughing.

The medals are packaged in a coloured packaging, to treat to someone or to yourself.
9,90 €
Face value: 0.2 $
Issuing country: Samoa
Weight: 25 g
Diameter: 40 mm

Hephaestus‘ correspondence with Libra is derived from his role as the smith god. By crafting fire, he made the weapons that the gods use to impose justice, down to the scales of Dike, the goddess of justice, often thought to be the woman depicted in the sign. As just, Hephaestus is a god of innovation, taming the chaos of the flames to produce items to impose civilization.
35,00 €
Face Value: 1 Dollar
Weight: 50 g
Metal: Copper
Purity: 999
Diameter: 38,6 mm
Quality prooflike
Issuing Country_ Cook Island
Year Date: 2022
Mintage: 5 000

The Spartans – muscle-bound, fearless warriors from ancient Greece – were renowned for their nearly invincible army and unrivalled fighting skills using long spears, swords and round shields crafted from bronze and wood have captured the imagination for centuries. The myths surrounding Sparta and its warrior society are as old as the city itself. Reputedly founded in the 9th century BC, it was co-ruled by two kings who arbitrated in times of war. Upon its victory over the rival city-state of Athens in the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC), Sparta emerged as the most powerful state in Greece. The verso depicts “The Return of Helen on a Quadriga”. A scene from a well-known tale by the author Homer.
79,00 €
Face value: 5 €
Diameter: 34 mm
Weight: 19.1 g
Metal: Brass
Mintage: 40,000

The obverse of the euro collector coin depicts a male European bison with trees in the background above and fallen branches in the foreground below. The Slovak coat of arms appears in the lower right of the design, just below the year of issuance ‘2024’. The name of the issuing country ‘SLOVENSKO’ is inscribed along part of the left edge. In the lower part of the design are the mint mark of the Kremnica Mint (Mincovňa Kremnica), consisting of the letters ‘MK’ placed between two dies, and the stylised letters ‘KL’, referring to the coin’s designer Karol Ličko.

On the reverse, a depiction of a European bison’s head dominates the centre and right of the design. Above the head are the coin’s denomination and currency, ‘5 EURO’. The Slovak name of the European bison, ‘ZUBOR HRIVNATÝ’, is inscribed along the upper-left edge, and the scientific name, ‘BISON BONASUS’, is at the lower-left edge. The two names are separated by a beech twig with leaves and nuts.

The bison is Europe’s largest land mammal, with its build resembling that of cattle. It has a relatively short, rounded head and is covered with brown hair from head to tail. The forequarters are bulkier than the hindquarters and are further accentuated by longer hair. Strong, hollow horns are a permanent feature of both sexes and grow with age. Bison are most active at dusk, and their vision has adapted accordingly. Their best-developed senses are hearing and smell. They can live to around 35 years of age. Bison are a social animal that typically live in herds of 8 to 13 animals, though older males tend to be solitary. They feed mainly on green and woody plant matter, including branches, bark and leaves. They prefer younger forest stands with dense undergrowth. In winter, their staple food sources are brambles, tree bark, shrubs and dry grass, which they dig out from under the snow. The bison’s historical range extended almost throughout Europe. In Slovakia today, approximately 70 individuals of the species live wild on a reservation in the Poloniny National Park.

14,90 €
Materiall: CuNi
Weight: 9g
Diameter: 26,9 mm
Mintage: 100 000

The German government has decided to mint a €5 collectors’ coin entitled “Great green bush-cricket", to be issed at 7 March 2024. It is the sixth coin issued as part of the “Wonderful world of insects” series, which will see a total of nine coins with partially coloured motifs issued over the period 2022-24. The series is intended to bring into focus – especially in light of current developments (insect extinction) – a special group of animals that make up a significant part of our natural heritage.

The coin motif, designed by the artist Detlef Behr from Cologne, shows an ideal male stag beetle in the style of a precise scientific illustration, in which all morphological details are correctly worked out. The typical black-brown coloring shows the beetle and its characteristic feature, the enlarged upper jaw (Mandibles), effectively emphasized. Idealized oak leaves and acorns in the background provide a subtle reference to the beetle's habitat and allude to the great importance of oak trees for the development of the larvae. The sans-serif lettering on the left edge of the coin forms a part of the composition balanced counterweight to the motif. The value side is identical for all coins in the series. The design, designed by artist Andre Witting from Berlin, impresses with a dignified yet dynamic representation of the federal eagle.

14,90 €


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