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Germany 2€ commemorative coin 2024 - Mecklenburg-Vorpommernl

7,00 €
Qty.: - +
Feature: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Description: The coin is dedicated to the German state (Land) of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It is the second issuance in the second series of German 2-euro commemorative coins featuring the German states, or Länder. Each year, a coin pays tribute to one of the 16 Länder by depicting a significant building or landmark. The order of the states is based on the rotating presidency of the Bundesrat, which is one of the five permanent constitutional bodies of the Federal Republic of Germany and represents the interests of the Länder. The design shows the Königsstuhl, an iconic formation of chalk cliffs and beech forest located in Jasmund National Park on the island of Rügen. The cliffs are depicted from the perspective of the shoreline, thereby highlighting the monumentality of this unique natural landmark in a particularly effective manner. The beautifully detailed image provides scale through the combined rendering of sea, birdlife and humankind. The modern typography, in harmony with the flying seagull, is skilfully integrated into the relief. The upper half of the coin’s inner circle features the inscription ‘MECKLENBURG VORPOMMERN’, the year of issue ‘2024’, Germany’s issuing country code ‘D’ and, at the upper right, the letter ‘X’ as placeholder for the mint mark of the respective mint (‘A’, ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘G’ or ‘J’). The initials of the artist Michael Otto (from Rodenbach, Germany) are shown in the lower half of the inner circle. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 30 000 000 coins

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The sky is slowly clearing

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