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Germany 2€ commemorative coin 2024 -The 175th anniversary of the Frankfurt Constitution (also known as the St Paul’s Church Constitution, which was the first attempt to create a unified

22,00 €
Qty.: - +
Feature: The 175th anniversary of the Frankfurt Constitution (also known as the St Paul’s Church Constitution, which was the first attempt to create a unified German nation state.)

Description: The design features several thematic layers. In the foreground is a perspective depiction of St Paul’s Church with the representatives of the national constitutional assembly filing in. This overlays a rendering of the constitutional document and a quill, representing the outcome of the Frankfurt Parliament. Finally, the design is crowned by three female allegories – Unity, Justice and Freedom – and the tricolour flag of black, red and gold. The vibrant three- dimensional relief evokes the timelessness of the basic democratic principles that were put down in writing for the first time and in a foundational way in the Frankfurt Constitution. The coin’s inner ring also features the inscription ‘PAULSKIRCHENVERFASSUNG 1849’ (‘St Paul’s Church Constitution 1849’) and, at the bottom, the year of issue ‘2024’, Germany’s issuing country code ‘D’, the mint mark of the respective mint (‘A’, ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘G’ or ‘J’), and the initials of the artist, Bodo Broschat from Berlin. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 30 000 000 coins
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Description: The design features several thematic layers. In the foreground is a perspective depiction of St Paul’s Church with the representatives of the national constitutional assembly filing in. This overlays a rendering of the constitutional document and a quill, representing the outcome of the Frankfurt Parliament. Finally, the design is crowned by three female allegories – Unity, Justice and Freedom – and the tricolour flag of black, red and gold. The vibrant three- dimensional relief evokes the timelessness of the basic democratic principles that were put down in writing for the first time and in a foundational way in the Frankfurt Constitution. The coin’s inner ring also features the inscription ‘PAULSKIRCHENVERFASSUNG 1849’ (‘St Paul’s Church Constitution 1849’) and, at the bottom, the year of issue ‘2024’, Germany’s issuing country code ‘D’, the mint mark of the respective mint (‘A’, ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘G’ or ‘J’), and the initials of the artist, Bodo Broschat from Berlin. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

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