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Queens Virtues Truth. Saint-Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 5 £- 2021 99,9 % silver coin, 1 oz

131,15 €
Qty.: - +
Face value 5 £
Silver: 99,99%
Diameter: 38,6
Weight: 31,1 g
Mintage: 2 500

A basic principle, the importance of being honest and acting truthfully as a core virtue can be directly attributed to Queen Victoria herself. In modern times Queen Elizabeth II is known to have a compelling sense of herself as a spiritual being who is a searcher and seeker of truth.


The ‘Queen’s Virtues’ form part of the Victoria Memorial monument outside Buckingham Palace, which features sculptured allegorical figures that personify:

• Victory
• Truth
• Charity
• Justice
• Courage
• Constancy
The Queen’s Virtues coin series was launched to celebrate the 95th birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who holds those six virtues as dearly as her great-great-grandmother did. The first coin in the series featured Victory and this second coin focuses on Truth.

In Brock’s memorial statue, the figure representing Truth is depicted as a glad-winged figure, holding a mirror in her right arm, symbolic of self-truth. The figure stands between a child bearing a palm-branch and a seated woman searching in a scroll for the truth.
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Country: Palau
Year: 2021
Face Value: 5 Dollars
Metal: Silver .999
Weight: 1 oz
Size: 33 mm
Quality: Proof
Mintage: 2021

Lady Bugs have been symbols of luck for over 1000 years! Legend says that the lady bug first gained its “Lucky” status when it kept landing on a man’s neck that was sentenced to be executed by the French guillotine. The man proclaimed his innocence and the Lady Bug kept landing on his neck to distract the executioner. It was seen as a divine intervention and spared the man’s life and later he was proven innocent.

The Lady Bug’s legend grew as European farmers prayed for help from pesky insects and Lady Bugs arrived shortly after. They were named after Virgin Mary and have since been a blessing for generations! Many tales about their famous spots have arisen as a way to tell their age or how many years of good luck you will have.

This wonderful 1 oz silver Proof will surely be a good luck token for you! Never before has a Lady Bug been brought onto a coin in such a beautiful way. Ultra high relief in combination with a sophisticated coloring technique make this coin come alive. It looks like it will take off from the coin at any moment. The colorful Lady Bug is surrounded by green four-leaf clovers which makes this coin even more lucky!

Fun Fact: Did you know that they have a wing beat of up to 90 beats per second?!

With a mintage of only 2021, get your own piece of luck before it flies out of our shelves.
155,00 €
Face value 1 £
Silver: 99,99%
Diameter: 38,6
Weight: 31,1 g
Mintage: 1821

Drawing it’s inspiration from the presence of Angels on Napoleon’s Death medal and his tomb at Les Invalids.

Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the island of Corsica in 1769. He is widely regarded as one of history’s great military minds, building an Empire that stretched across Europe before his defeat at Waterloo in 1815. He was exiled to St Helena, where he remained until his death in 1821.

While Napoleon’s military cunning is undisputable, it is also believed that he carried a symbol of good luck with him, his own personal guardian angel.

The French Angel Coin first appeared in the late 18th Century. Its designer became suspected of revolutionary tendencies and was sentenced to death but somehow escaped the guillotine. Allegedly he bribed his captors with an Angel Coin, and it became known as a lucky charm. 19th Century French Naval Captains would refuse to sail without one in their purse, and even Napoleon was not beyond belief in the lucky Angel Coin. According to folklore he carried one in his pocket throughout his reign, only to fatefully lose it the day before his final defeat at Waterloo.
149,00 €
Face value 1 £
Silver: 99,99%
Diameter: 38,6
Weight: 31,1 g
Mintage: 750

Truth, the principle of being and acting truthfully. The allegorical personification of Truth is depicted as a glad-winged figure, holding a mirror in her right arm, symbolic of self-truth. Between her stands a child bearing a palm-branch, whom she comforts demonstrating the role of us all to protect the innocent.

Taking its inspiration from the allegorical figure of the virtue of Truth as depicted on the Victoria Memorial situated outside Buckingham Palace, our second design in the series features the words

(Truth Conquers All)

Presented in luxury presentation case with information booklet and numbered certificate of authenticity
199,00 €
Nominal value 5 $
Silver: 99.9%
Weight: 2 oz
Dimensions: 50 mm
Maximum Mintage: 500
Finish: Antique finish

This silver coin depicts one of the most sacred Chinese folklores narrating supernatural abundance and miraculous multiplication. It portrays a Chinese dragon with its magical pearl.

Behold the fiery allure of 'Pink Pearl and Dragon', featuring a majestic depiction of a dragon exhaling a blaze of fire. Nestled within this flame is a delicate pink pearl insert, creating a striking contrast of power and elegance. Enhanced with gilding, the high relief design accentuates the dragon's dynamic breath, creating an illusion of movement and fierce power.

The 'Pink Pearl and Dragon' is the third 2 oz coin from 'Divine Pearls' collection, celebrating the harmonious balance between the dragon's formidable presence and the pearl's tranquil beauty. It is a narrative of contrasting forces coexisting in splendid unity.
299,00 €
Face value 1 £
Silver: 99,9%
Diameter: 38,6 mm
Weight: 31,1 g
Mintage: 1 000

Капитаны флота XIX века не покидали порт без Ангела в своих сумках, и даже сам Наполеон не был лишен его очарования. Считается, что он повсюду носил его с собой до тех пор пока роковым образом не потерял его и это случилось за день до своего окончательного поражения при Ватерлоо. Легенда продолжилась и в 20 веке, когда боевые пилоты во Вьетнаме и Ираке летали со «счастливым» Ангелом в кабине.
• «Ангел удачи», переосмысленный для 21 века.
• Строго ограниченный тираж всего в 1000 монет по всему миру.
• Одна унция сверкающего серебра 999 пробы.
• Элегантный женственный новый дизайн от знаменитой художницы Кьяры Принсипи.
• Достигнуто высочайшее качество отделки Proof.
• Изготовленный на заказ презентационный футляр и буклет с рассказами.
159,00 €