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Smiley mini - medal. Gratitute

9,90 €
Qty.: - +
Metal: NordicGold
Weight: 15,80 g
Diameter: 34 mm
Mintage: 10 000

In 2022, Smiley celebrates its fifth decade of smiles and optimism.

The emblematic yellow, round face of the brand was born on 1st, January 1972 in France, when journalist Franklin Loufrani used this infectious smile in the newspaper France-soir in order to highlight stories which brought positive news and cheered up French people’s spirit. This operation, called « Take the time to smile » was an immediate success.

In 1996, the logo is relaunched and developed in other forms : a new 3D version is created and new expressions are added in. Nowadays, from the smiley to the emoticon, smiling takes multiple forms, becoming a representative of cheerfulness !

Since the creation of the yellow smile in 1972, Smiley diversified the range of its expressions, conveying over a hundred émotions. From the smiley to the emoticon, smiling takes multiple forms.

Each mini-medal highlights a particular emotion : love, gratitude, gluttony, joy and laughing.

The medals are packaged in a coloured packaging, to treat to someone or to yourself.
Metal: NordicGold
Weight: 15,80 g
Diameter: 34 mm
Mintage: 10 000

In 2022, Smiley celebrates its fifth decade of smiles and optimism.

The emblematic yellow, round face of the brand was born on 1st, January 1972 in France, when journalist Franklin Loufrani used this infectious smile in the newspaper France-soir in order to highlight stories which brought positive news and cheered up French people’s spirit. This operation, called « Take the time to smile » was an immediate success.

In 1996, the logo is relaunched and developed in other forms : a new 3D version is created and new expressions are added in. Nowadays, from the smiley to the emoticon, smiling takes multiple forms, becoming a representative of cheerfulness !

Since the creation of the yellow smile in 1972, Smiley diversified the range of its expressions, conveying over a hundred émotions. From the smiley to the emoticon, smiling takes multiple forms.

Each mini-medal highlights a particular emotion : love, gratitude, gluttony, joy and laughing.

The medals are packaged in a coloured packaging, to treat to someone or to yourself.
9,90 €
Metal: NordicGold
Weight: 15,80 g
Diameter: 34 mm
Mintage: 10 000

In 2022, Smiley celebrates its fifth decade of smiles and optimism.

The emblematic yellow, round face of the brand was born on 1st, January 1972 in France, when journalist Franklin Loufrani used this infectious smile in the newspaper France-soir in order to highlight stories which brought positive news and cheered up French people’s spirit. This operation, called « Take the time to smile » was an immediate success.

In 1996, the logo is relaunched and developed in other forms : a new 3D version is created and new expressions are added in. Nowadays, from the smiley to the emoticon, smiling takes multiple forms, becoming a representative of cheerfulness !

Since the creation of the yellow smile in 1972, Smiley diversified the range of its expressions, conveying over a hundred émotions. From the smiley to the emoticon, smiling takes multiple forms.

Each mini-medal highlights a particular emotion : love, gratitude, gluttony, joy and laughing.

The medals are packaged in a coloured packaging, to treat to someone or to yourself.
9,90 €
Metal: NordicGold
Weight: 15,80 g
Diameter: 34 mm
Mintage: 10 000

In 2022, Smiley celebrates its fifth decade of smiles and optimism.

The emblematic yellow, round face of the brand was born on 1st, January 1972 in France, when journalist Franklin Loufrani used this infectious smile in the newspaper France-soir in order to highlight stories which brought positive news and cheered up French people’s spirit. This operation, called « Take the time to smile » was an immediate success.

In 1996, the logo is relaunched and developed in other forms : a new 3D version is created and new expressions are added in. Nowadays, from the smiley to the emoticon, smiling takes multiple forms, becoming a representative of cheerfulness !

Since the creation of the yellow smile in 1972, Smiley diversified the range of its expressions, conveying over a hundred émotions. From the smiley to the emoticon, smiling takes multiple forms.

Each mini-medal highlights a particular emotion : love, gratitude, gluttony, joy and laughing.

The medals are packaged in a coloured packaging, to treat to someone or to yourself.
9,90 €
Metal: NordicGold
Weight: 15,80 g
Diameter: 34 mm
Mintage: 10 000

In 2022, Smiley celebrates its fifth decade of smiles and optimism.

The emblematic yellow, round face of the brand was born on 1st, January 1972 in France, when journalist Franklin Loufrani used this infectious smile in the newspaper France-soir in order to highlight stories which brought positive news and cheered up French people’s spirit. This operation, called « Take the time to smile » was an immediate success.

In 1996, the logo is relaunched and developed in other forms : a new 3D version is created and new expressions are added in. Nowadays, from the smiley to the emoticon, smiling takes multiple forms, becoming a representative of cheerfulness !

Since the creation of the yellow smile in 1972, Smiley diversified the range of its expressions, conveying over a hundred émotions. From the smiley to the emoticon, smiling takes multiple forms.

Each mini-medal highlights a particular emotion : love, gratitude, gluttony, joy and laughing.

The medals are packaged in a coloured packaging, to treat to someone or to yourself.
9,90 €
Similar products
Face value: 5 €
Diameter: 34 mm
Weight: 19.1 g
Metal: Brass
Mintage: 35,000

3. coin from the series “Fauna and Flora of Slovakia”.

The obverse of this euro collector coin shows a Tatra chamois standing on a rock on which several edelweiss flowers, protected under Slovak law, are growing. The name of the issuing country ‘SLOVENSKO’ appears in the lower right of the design, above the Slovak coat of arms and, to the right of it, the year of issuance ‘2022’. The denomination and currency ‘5 euro’ are inscribed in the upper part. Next to the left edge are the mint mark of the Kremnica Mint (Mincovňa Kremnica), consisting of the letters ‘MK’ placed between two dies, and the stylised letters ‘KL’, referring to the coin’s designer Karol Ličko.

The reverse features the head and upper body of a Tatra chamois, with the head bisecting the background depiction of a rocky mountain range. The Slovak and scientific names of the chamois are each inscribed on three lines, with ‘KAMZÍK VRCHOVSKÝ TATRANSKÝ’ appearing to the left of the chamois and ‘RUPICAPRA RUPICAPRA TATRICA’ to the right.

Just as the Tatras are a symbol of Slovakia, so the chamois is a symbol of the Tatras. The Tatra mountain ranges are among the world’s smallest alpine ranges and are evidently suitable places for a creature as remarkable as the chamois to live in safety. It is not by chance that the Tatra national parks of both Slovakia and Poland feature the chamois in their logos. The Tatras’ deep valleys, rocky ridges, sharp peaks and mountain lakes have been the cradle and grave of chamois for millennia. The Tatra chamois is one of a few living links to the last ice age, its population being what experts call a ‘glacial relict’. The chamois live in herds with a social way of life. Some herds comprise more than 50 individuals. The total population of chamois on the Slovak and Polish sides of the Tatras currently numbers around 1,400. The Tatra chamois, or Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica, was classified as a separate subspecies in 1971 (by Milič Blahout). In Slovakia, pure Tatra chamois are found only in the High Tatras, Western Tatras and Belianske Tatras. The chamois are a cultural treasure, a symbol of both the Tatras and Slovakia as a whole. It is of the utmost importance to keep their Tatra habitats as undisturbed as possible and to behave responsibly and respectfully when present there.
14,90 €
Quality: Uncirculated
Face Value: 5 Euro
Diameter: 28,5 mm
Material: Copper
Total Weight: 8,9 g
Mintage: 200 000

A coin the likes of which Austria has never seen before, Democracy is made from copper from the former roof of the Parliament building in Vienna. When you purchase the coin you therefore acquire a little piece of democracy and by spending 5 euros you get something priceless in return.

On the occasion of the reopening of the Parliament building in Vienna, we are issuing this very special coin. The copper it contains originally formed part of the former roof of the building but was removed during the ongoing renovation of the building. By using it to make the copper edition of the Democracy coin, we are making our democratic tradition something tangible. A strong democracy thrives on discourse. Our opinions may differ, but our consensus is democracy. Likewise, fundamental rights and freedoms make a democracy what it is. They enable individual and social freedom and guarantee the co-determination of the individual.

The coin’s reverse features two heads in profile and one full face, which represent the people as sovereign. To the left, we see a watchful eye surrounded by stylised laurel leaves, to the right, we see a section of the Austrian Parliament building in the background. But much more than this, the coin illustrates the spirit from which our nation was born. This is reflected in the Austrian Constitution, where it says: "Austria is a democratic republic. Its law emanates from the people." These wise words appear on the top and bottom edges of the coin.
15,00 €
Quality: Uncirculated
Face Value: 10 Euro
Diameter: 32 mm
Material: Copper
Total Weight: 15 g
Mintage: 130 000
Without capsule

As its name implies, the forget-me-not signifies ‘remember me’ in the language of flowers. But alongside other literal meanings of its common name, the forget-me-not is also a symbol of profound love, remembrance, fidelity and constancy. Giving the flowers at the start of an illicit love affair could be a discreet way to convey a need for trust and confidentiality. Although passionate and romantic love are important elements of their meaning, forget-me-nots can signify deep friendship and familial love as well. In addition, forget-me-nots can be used to convey that the bonds of true love transcend time and space and will continue to exist despite physical separation and even death. Each spring forget-me-nots create a delightful froth of intense blue flowers are a particularly welcome sight when not much else is in bloom. Unlike many other symbolic meanings associated with flowers, those of the forget-me-not have endured – rather like the timeless love and constancy they convey.
25,00 €
Face vakue: 3 euro
Diameter; 32 mm
Weight: 15,0 g
Alloy: Bimetal;CuNi, nordic gold
Quality: UNC

9,00 €
Face value: 5 €
Diameter: 34 mm
Weight: 19.1 g
Metal: Brass
Mintage: 40,000

The obverse of the euro collector coin depicts a male European bison with trees in the background above and fallen branches in the foreground below. The Slovak coat of arms appears in the lower right of the design, just below the year of issuance ‘2024’. The name of the issuing country ‘SLOVENSKO’ is inscribed along part of the left edge. In the lower part of the design are the mint mark of the Kremnica Mint (Mincovňa Kremnica), consisting of the letters ‘MK’ placed between two dies, and the stylised letters ‘KL’, referring to the coin’s designer Karol Ličko.

On the reverse, a depiction of a European bison’s head dominates the centre and right of the design. Above the head are the coin’s denomination and currency, ‘5 EURO’. The Slovak name of the European bison, ‘ZUBOR HRIVNATÝ’, is inscribed along the upper-left edge, and the scientific name, ‘BISON BONASUS’, is at the lower-left edge. The two names are separated by a beech twig with leaves and nuts.

The bison is Europe’s largest land mammal, with its build resembling that of cattle. It has a relatively short, rounded head and is covered with brown hair from head to tail. The forequarters are bulkier than the hindquarters and are further accentuated by longer hair. Strong, hollow horns are a permanent feature of both sexes and grow with age. Bison are most active at dusk, and their vision has adapted accordingly. Their best-developed senses are hearing and smell. They can live to around 35 years of age. Bison are a social animal that typically live in herds of 8 to 13 animals, though older males tend to be solitary. They feed mainly on green and woody plant matter, including branches, bark and leaves. They prefer younger forest stands with dense undergrowth. In winter, their staple food sources are brambles, tree bark, shrubs and dry grass, which they dig out from under the snow. The bison’s historical range extended almost throughout Europe. In Slovakia today, approximately 70 individuals of the species live wild on a reservation in the Poloniny National Park.

14,90 €