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Spain 2€ commemorative coin 2024 -The recognition of Seville

7,00 €
Qty.: - +
Feature: The recognition of Seville (Archivo de Indias, Real Alcazar de Sevilla y Catedral de Sevilla) as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Description: The design shows a view of the ‘Patio de las Doncellas’ of the Real Alcåzar of Seville. At the top, in a circular direction and in capital letters, the legend SEVILLA; below, the mint mark ‘Eme Coronada’. At the bottom, in a circular direction and in capital letters, the legend ESPANA and the year of issue 2024. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 1 500 000 coins
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set of 5 coins (A; G; D; J, F)
Feature: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Description: The coin is dedicated to the German state (Land) of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It is the second issuance in the second series of German 2-euro commemorative coins featuring the German states, or Länder. Each year, a coin pays tribute to one of the 16 Länder by depicting a significant building or landmark. The order of the states is based on the rotating presidency of the Bundesrat, which is one of the five permanent constitutional bodies of the Federal Republic of Germany and represents the interests of the Länder. The design shows the Königsstuhl, an iconic formation of chalk cliffs and beech forest located in Jasmund National Park on the island of Rügen. The cliffs are depicted from the perspective of the shoreline, thereby highlighting the monumentality of this unique natural landmark in a particularly effective manner. The beautifully detailed image provides scale through the combined rendering of sea, birdlife and humankind. The modern typography, in harmony with the flying seagull, is skilfully integrated into the relief. The upper half of the coin’s inner circle features the inscription ‘MECKLENBURG VORPOMMERN’, the year of issue ‘2024’, Germany’s issuing country code ‘D’ and, at the upper right, the letter ‘X’ as placeholder for the mint mark of the respective mint (‘A’, ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘G’ or ‘J’). The initials of the artist Michael Otto (from Rodenbach, Germany) are shown in the lower half of the inner circle. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 30 000 000 coins

22,00 €
Feature: The 175th anniversary of the death of Grand Duke Guillaume II

Description: The design depicts on the left side the statue of Grand Duke Guillaume II on horseback and on the right side the effigy of Grand Duke Henri looking to the left. The texts ‘GROUSSHERZOGE VU LÉTZEBUERG’ and ‘GUILLAUME II 1792-1849’ are depicted in semicircular form in the upper left part of the design. The year-date ‘2024’ and the figure ‘175’ as indication of the anniversary appear below the effigy of Grand Duke Henri. As the producing mint is not yet known, the mint marks might be adapted within the spaceholder. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 200 000 coins
15,00 €
Feature: Rita Levi-Montalcini

Description: The design depicts in the foreground, a half-length portrait of Rita Levi-Montalcini inspired by a Manuela Fabbri’s photography; in the background, a microscope, taken from a medal designed by Gino Levi-Montalcini, brother of the well renown scientist, whose base is horseshoe shaped, as a good luck charm for the awarding of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in the 1986. Above, the arch-shaped inscription ‘RITA LEVI-MONTALCINI’; on the left ‘RI’, acronym of the Italian Republic and ‘R’, identifying the Mint of Rome; below ‘2024’, the year of the coin’s issue; on the right, ‘SP’, initials of the designer Silvia Petrassi. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 3 000 000 coins:
7,00 €
Feature: Fight against cancer in Belgium

Description: The design shows in the centre a ribbon, which is used as a universal symbol to express engagement in the fight against cancer. The shape of the ribbon extends further along the two sides in curved lines, symbolising the movement of a heartbeat on a monitor, as an expression of life and vitality. Three lines can be seen at the top, as a reference to a rainbow (symbolising hope and consolation). Inserted in the bottom line is the country code BE and the year 2024. In the lower part of the piece are inscriptions in French and Dutch: 'Lutte contre le cancer' - 'Strijd tegen kanker'. The initials of the designer Iris Bruijns are located on the left side above the inscriptions. As the Royal Dutch Mint will strike the coins, the mintmark of Utrecht, a mercury staff is located at the very bottom of the piece, together with the Belgian mint director mintmark, an aster flower in front of an Erlenmeyer flask. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 2 130 000 coins

The sky is slowly clearing

In recent years, science has made spectacular advances in the fight against cancer, increasing survival rates and extending lifespans. Although a diagnosis can be particularly harsh and the road to a cure can be quite tough, we should certainly not lose heart. More than ever, we must dare to take a positive approach to confronting cancer. Here, not only the specific input of the oncologist, but also the support of the psychologist and physiotherapist plays an invaluable role. Without forgetting the precious help of the caregiver or volunteer, of course.

Mintage: 125 000 coin card
19,00 €
Feature: The Eiffel Tower

Description: For the countdown to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Monnaie de Paris celebrates the road to the games through Paris as well as its own heritage. 100 years after the 1924 Games, the French capital is once again hosting the Summer Games. This is an event with international resonance, gradually building in intensity in the years leading up to the event, culminating in 2024 with the issue of two commemorative two-euro coins dedicated to the Olympic Games. The design represents an expression of France through iconic buildings; the Eiffel Tower and the Notre Dame de la Garde Basilica situated in Marseille are united there. In the background, a tiare flower represents the island of Tahiti where the surfing competitions will take place. The Eiffel Tower is in motion, she carries the values of sport. Its arms are represented by 73 rivets signifying the host communities. For the first time, the Olympic and Paralympic symbols are brought together, to celebrate the Games for all. The year date, the indication of the issuing country ‘RF’ as well as the mintmarks are inserted on the athletics track. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 24 000 000 coins

9,00 €