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Coin Albums

Coin Albums

Album systems for coins and banknotes.

Album systems are perfect for storing coins, banknotes, historical security certificates and much more. Furthermore, our albums and sheets dont just provide the necessary protection, they also ensure optimum protection for your collection. All products are optimally designed to accomodate your collection. A grate choice of different albums in varying sizes, design and styles. In addition, there is a comperhensive range of corresponding additional sheets available for every album in the system. 


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Blue colour, OPTIMA format 20 x 25 cm, 4-ring reinforced holes. For labeling we recommend the sticker- set LEEURO 3. (321082)  fits for all OPTIMA-binder. 
6,90 €
Blue colour, OPTIMA format 20 x 25 cm, 4-ring reinforced holes. For labeling we recommend the sticker- set LEEURO 3. (321082)  fits for all OPTIMA-binder. 
8,90 €
Blue colour, OPTIMA format 20 x 25 cm, 4-ring reinforced holes.
5,50 €
Blue colour, OPTIMA format 20 x 25 cm, 4-ring reinforced holes. For labeling we recommend the sticker- set LEEURO 3. (321082)  fits for all OPTIMA-binder. 2 sheets in set
10,00 €
Clear welded strips completely cover the inserted collection items, thereby offering optimum protection. Document quality: 100% free from chemical softeners and acids. 8-cm perforation. The clear C sheets allow one-sided storage, the double-sided black S sheets provide double capacity.

Size: 242 x 312 mm
1,80 €
Clear welded strips completely cover the inserted collection items, thereby offering optimum protection. Document quality: 100% free from chemical softeners and acids. 8-cm perforation. The clear C sheets allow one-sided storage, the double-sided black S sheets provide double capacity.

Size: 242 x 312 mm 
1,80 €
Musta taustaga vaheleht sobib markide säilitamiseks.
1,80 €
Clear welded strips completely cover the inserted collection items, thereby offering optimum protection. Document quality: 100% free from chemical softeners and acids. 8-cm perforation. The clear C sheets allow one-sided storage, the double-sided black S sheets provide double capacity.

Size: 242 x 312 mm 
1,80 €
Our matching album is even more colourful than the new series "Wonderful World of Insects", and has enough room to hold all 9 coins in the series in ULTRA Perfect-Fit capsules (capsules included). In addition to photos, there is information on the individual designs. Overall size (when closed): 280 x 192 x 20 mm. Incl. slipcase.

With the purchase of this item, you will be making a contribution towards conserving biodiversity and, hence, the wonderful world of insects. We will include a packet of wildflower seeds for you with every album order.
24,95 €
Komplekti kuuluvad kilelehed ja värvitrükis vahelehed 2016.a, emiteeritud 2€ juubelimüntide paigustamiseks.
11,95 €
Bound leatherette cover with 4 D-ring mechanism.This ring binder holds up to 60 sheets (depending on the strength of documents) and fits all standard A4 clear pastic wallets, as well official GRANDE sheets.

GRANDE binders are ideal for storing stamps, banknotes,  booklets and other A4 documents. 

Incl. matching slipcase. Overall size: 295 x 335 x 70 mm 
45,00 €
One bright idea: the GRANDE ringbinder Classic “Metallic edition” holds postcards, letters, autograph cards, tickets, coins, stamps, banknotes, and much, much more. The ringbinder is suitable for all GRANDE, SH 312 and ENCAP sheets. Capacity: up to 60 OPTIMA sheets or 6 ENCAP sheets. In addition to the afore-mentioned sheets, the ringbinder can hold all standard A4 clear plastic wallets. Binder without sheets. With sturdy 4 D-ring mechanism. Leatherette cover in trendy metallic colors. Made in best bookbinders’ tradition. Incl. matching slipcase. Overall size: 335 x 295 x 70 mm
40,00 €
Bound leatherette cover with 4 D-ring mechanism.This ring binder holds up to 60 sheets (depending on the strength of documents) and fits all standard A4 clear pastic wallets, as well official GRANDE sheets.

GRANDE binders are ideal for storing stamps, banknotes, booklets and other A4 documents. 

Incl. matching slipcase. Overall size: 295 x 335 x 70 mm 
45,00 €
One bright idea: the GRANDE ringbinder Classic “Metallic edition” holds postcards, letters, autograph cards, tickets, coins, stamps, banknotes, and much, much more. The ringbinder is suitable for all GRANDE, SH 312 and ENCAP sheets. Capacity: up to 60 OPTIMA sheets or 6 ENCAP sheets. In addition to the afore-mentioned sheets, the ringbinder can hold all standard A4 clear plastic wallets. Binder without sheets. With sturdy 4 D-ring mechanism. Leatherette cover in trendy metallic colors. Made in best bookbinders’ tradition. Incl. matching slipcase. Overall size: 335 x 295 x 70 mm
40,00 €
Classic-design complete album with matching slipcase. Bound leatherette ring binder with 4-ring mechanism,  including 5 NUMIS sheets (44, 34, 25, 17, diverse) and 5 white interleaves. Sliding drawer window are made of plasticiser and acid free soft specialty film. Overall size:   235 x 240 x 60 mm
40,00 €
Classic-design complete album with matching slipcase. Bound leatherette ring binder with 4-ring mechanism,  including 5 NUMIS sheets (44, 34, 25, 17, diverse) and 5 white interleaves. Sliding drawer window are made of plasticiser and acid free soft specialty film. Overall size:   235 x 240 x 60 mm
40,00 €
Classic-design complete album with matching slipcase. Bound leatherette ring binder with 4-ring mechanism,  including 5 NUMIS sheets (44, 34, 25, 17, diverse) and 5 white interleaves. Sliding drawer window are made of plasticiser and acid free soft specialty film. Overall size:   235 x 240 x 60 mm
40,00 €
Bookbinder's quality leatherette binder with 4-ring mechanism. Overall size: 235 x 240 x 60 mm. This album is without pockets.
30,00 €
Bookbinder's quality leatherette binder with 4-ring mechanism. Overall size: 235 x 240 x 60 mm. This album is without pockets.
30,00 €
Bookbinder's quality leatherette binder with 4-ring mechanism. Overall size: 235 x 240 x 60 mm. This album is without pockets.
30,00 €


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